Be a shareholder from 0.12 €
Ever wanted to be a shareholder of a professional football team? Well this is your opportunity to be a Real Murcia shareholder. Be part of the action and help Real Murcia face the challenges of modern football.
Real Murcia founded in 1894, is a team from Murcia's region in Spain which has on their aim to change football for the better. A football club with more than one hundred years of existing. Is well known along the country, for being the club that has played more seasons in the second Spanish division and the one that has managed to held champions titleof tournament the most times.
"With a new and revolutionary social policy, it seeks to continue forging a model that will make Real Murcia unique."
The goal Real Murcia has set is to acquire 2,292,735 € in what is called Share Capital Increase 2020, so far the club has been able to gather 657,625€ since February 26th.
Why this need? Real Murcia states: "The world is changing faster and faster. It has never been easier to change our country of residence, our religion, our friends and partners... but there is one thing we can never change: the team we love. Unfortunately, football is also changing rapidly, and in the midst of this maelstrom of commercial brands and millions, at Real Murcia we believe that we can continue to grow without losing our essence. Because football was not invented just to win, football was created to make people happy."
Source: Real Murcia
The Increase of share capital was divided in 4 phases, the first and second phases, already ended in March 20th, offering preference to current shareholders to be able to acquire their new shares. In April 11th phase 3 started allowing any person wether shareholder or not shareholder to acquire shares with a limit of 25,000 shares, this phase has been expanded until May 26th. On last phase entry will be unlimited and free.
The value of a share is set in the 0.122 €, is good to highlight that this is the second Share Capital Increase set by Real Murcia, with the first one being a total success. Real Murcia has nowadays 30,000 shareholders around the world, having at least 1 shareholder in 60 different countries. According to update it's now about 120 countries being UK, Hungary and Italy the countries with more shareholders and USA, India and Australia being a highlight because of how far they are from Spain.
If you want to buy shares just enter the link below you can find the information in English, all you need is a valid Passport and payment option.
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