Why didn´t La Liga Iberdrola get the same treatment as La Liga?

Virtually every league came to a stop as a result of the pandemic, both female and male categories, and since the cease of activities the federations and leagues administration have been working towards the return of activities in the best scenarios or declaring the competition void or declaring a champion even though it wouldn´t be a complete league.

Thankfully for the us the fans most of the leagues are headed to a return in mid-July with France and Germany being the exceptions since the first country declared a champion, Europe spots, and relegations and the Germans will restart their league this weekend.

As its stated above most leagues are trying to achieve the goal finishing the competition and have set themselves a time table with the first step being testing the players to see how many have been infected and basing their strategy of starting again with that information. Spain is the home for one of the most followed national leagues and the Spanish federation has been working hand in hand with their national health system, as it should be done by all footballing organizations, following the recommendations and instructions for restarting the league without putting people's life in danger. With all of this been said the RFEF (Real Federación Española de Fútbol) took a decision and it has been a controversial one, the male teams are being tested and will start training next week trying to comeback by July 12th, a time table really similar as that of England and Italy whom aim to return by the 12th and 13th of the same month respectively, but and it’s a big but the RFEF decided to declare finished the Liga Iberdrola which is the female equivalent of La Liga giving FC Barcelona the title, and it feels like an injustice because the least that the authorities should do is treat both leagues as equals and this isn´t equal treatment. Do women don´t deserve to do their jobs? Why does the male league get a different treatment? Should FIFA intervene?

Source: Milenio

The spirit and essence of the game is that everyone should be allowed to play it and right now the female professional players are being denied by the RFEF to do it and the problem is that they are not doing the same with the male players, we are not talking about the unbalanced salaries or the massive difference in what clubs invest in both teams, this is about denying people their work while giving full attention to the male league and that couldn´t be more wrong and unfair. Hopefully we won´t see that being replicated by the other leagues and female professional players will be able to do what they are passionate about.

Written by: Federico
